Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Something Called A Debt Ceiling

Earlier this week, Professor Obama gave the country a lecture about "something called a debt ceiling."  My wife and I looked at each other, stunned.  It was being explained to "the people" as if we can't understand the meaning of two simple English words.  And it was explained as something being in crisis outside the realm of Mr. Obama's making.

To quote a civil rights leader:

Let's talk right down to earth in a language everybody here can easily understand.  Everyone agrees that America has a very serious problem.  Not only does America have a serious problem, but the people have a problem.  America's problem is us.  We're her problem.
Malcom X
Message to Grassroots
October 10, 1963
 The plain language I am talking about is called a credit limit, and like most families that deal with their own credit limit every day, the government's credit limit is maxed out.  Finally.  But self-reflect on the reason why.  We are the reason.  We elect the politicians that continue to spend, continue to grow government.  It is because we have our hand out, and Mr. Obama has used that fact to his advantage.

Malcom X was speaking of the oppression of the white man over the black man, and the usefulness of bloody revolution to affect change.  In an ironic twist, and by a measure of how far the country has come in the 40 years since his speech, no revolution was required.  An election did the trick.

President Obama is using the government's money, our money, to wield his power to impose social change.  The government spends so much money now, that we have to raise more in order to demonstrate to debt holders that we have a means to sustain the current debt trajectory.  Where is that money going to come from...

Money means power.  As the government controls more money, it wields more power.  This power restricts liberty.  This power restricts the pursuit of happiness.

Put your hand in your pocket.  Let us change the words to make the meaning clear.  America has reached her credit limit, and by doing so, has breached the constitutional covenant to secure the people's inalienable rights. Those rights are only secured by limiting the government's access to money.  If we fail to take a stand now, the next revolution will be fought between those with their hand in their pocket and those with their hand out.

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